We've all been there, having a pimple in just the wrong place at the wrong time is really annoying! Luckily, you don't need to buy expensive products or put on tons of makeup to hide your pimples anymore, because there are natural tricks to make them disappear in no time!

In this article, I will give you the 3 simple steps to get rid of a pimple naturally.

1. The ice cube

Cold has a vasoconstrictor effect on the skin which results in the tightening of pores. Mechanically, the cold will therefore reduce the size of the pimple. Apply an ice cube wrapped in a clean cloth directly to the affected area (3-5 minutes)

2. The clay mask

Clay has undeniable benefits for the skin in terms of purification! Ideal for deeply purifying an acne-prone area. Be careful not to let the clay mask dry out too much.

3. Tea tree essential oil

Tea tree oil is a popular natural treatment for acne. It is antibacterial and can help kill acne-causing bacteria. So look for a serum that contains it to stop the growth/spread of that pimple immediately!

Yes, pimples can be annoying, but there are simple and natural tricks to get rid of them fast. With these steps, you will be able to say goodbye to pimples and have scar-free, soft, healthy and radiant skin in no time!

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