Family Constellation 1:1

Regular price $250.00 CAD
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Individual online coaching session

Discover the transformative approach of online family constellations, a service designed to offer you an accessible space for well-being, hosted by Valérie, our NLP Master Practitioner.

In sessions of approximately two hours, you will have the opportunity to explore in depth the hidden links of your personal and family history, to highlight inherited unconscious patterns that subtly influence your daily life. This work, much more than a simple analysis, allows you to release emotional blockages, transform limiting perceptions, and access a broader understanding of yourself.

Online and accessible wherever you are, each session is an intimate and secure moment, guided by Valérie's kindness and experience. Through the constellations, you will be able to untangle relational patterns that have often taken root in previous generations. Whether you are looking to soothe tense family relationships, understand personal blockages or move forward with more lightness and clarity, this online service offers you a powerful journey of reconnection and liberation.

Valérie's approach, which combines mastery of family constellations and NLP, guides you step by step into a space of listening, non-judgment and transformation, directly from your personal space.

Offering yourself a Family Constellations session means making the choice towards your well-being, for a more serene and fulfilled life!

After validating your order, our practitioner will contact you by email within 48 hours to arrange a time for the session.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Thea M.
100% convaincue

J’avais vaguement entendu parlé de la Constellation Familiale et j’hésitais pendant plusieurs mois… Avant de rencontrer Valérie! Je ne savais pas dans quoi j’embarquais mais elle m’a tout de suite mise en confiance, et elle a su me guider de façon très claire. C’était très puissant et je comprends maintenant comment cette pratique peut défaire des maux transgénérationnels ! À essayer absolument.

Diane L.
Foncez !

J’ai eu la chance de réaliser une constellation familiale avec Valérie et ça a été tout simplement incroyable !
On a pu mieux comprendre et mettre en lumière des blocages / schémas familiaux qui consciemment et inconsciemment impactaient ma vie. Quelques semaines / mois plus tard j’ai vraiment vu les effets bénéfiques de cette séance. Valérie a une écoute, une bienveillance et une compréhension de l’humain juste exceptionnelles. J’ai envoyé mes amis et même de la famille la voir et les avis sont unanimes. Foncez !🫶


    Our unique vision in terms of well-being aims to provide you with all the possible tools to participate in your daily well-being, while supporting French-speaking entrepreneurs.


    Whether it's to feel good physically, mentally or to explore your full potential. We have selected trusted French-speaking professionals for you!


    We make it a point of honor to be very close to our customers. Because you are unique and precious, we will always ensure that your experience goes smoothly.

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